1st Bury St Edmunds

Group Scout Leader: Andrew Lambell

Squirrels: Not Yet
Beavers: Wednesday
Cubs: Wednesday
Scouts: Friday

The past year we have had lots of fun both as a group and as sections. As a group we held a fun day to celebrate the King’s Coronation. The event went fantastically well, with all the families welcome, it was a great way to get to know the young members families. We also went to see ‘The Jungle Book’ as a group. All the children and adults had a great time. Upcoming, we are booked to go to High Altitude trampoline for a sleepover where we can sleep on the trampolines. We have run this event before and it went very well. Everyone is looking forward to it.

Beavers have had 3 nights away over the past year, 1 of which was a 1st Bury Christmas camp. The Beavers have been able to have a go at archery, tomahawk throwing and air rifles as well as visiting a local vet and the fire station. We are also part of the Bury in Bloom project with crafty foxes for the 3rd time.

The Cubs have had fun camping and did a great job litter picking around a local area, where they received lots of praise. 1st Bury cubs were invited to join 6th Bury for an evening of kite flying, which the Cubs made the week before. The also enjoyed a night with the scouts doing pioneering.

The Scout section has recently completed a camp where the Scouts hiked 11.5km to Bradfield before camping for the night. The scouts are also looking forward to the upcoming district event at ‘The Playground’.

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls