1st Ixworth
Group Scout Leader: Ruth Nunn
Squirrels: Not Yet
Beavers: Monday
Cubs: Monday
Scouts: Friday
Throughout the year, the 3 sections have had a busy time doing varied activities, ranging from crafts to learning about using axes & saws safely.
Over the past year, overall, all 3 sections have gained 36 challenge badges, 30 activity badges & 112 staged badges, with 2 Chief Scout Gold awards being gained. With several of the members very close in achieving bronze & silver awards. Well done to everyone who worked hard to achieve these badges.
The Beavers had a camp at Bradfield Park campsite with Red Lodge & Honington in June. Apart from the terrific thunderstorm, as the Beavers were settling down to sleep, everyone thoroughly enjoyed their first camp.
Our Cub Sixer & Seconders, joined 1st & 3rd Stowmarket sixer & seconders for a camp in their Scout HQ. They worked well together & the theme was Leadership. We are planning to repeat this again later in the year.
All sections have attended District events over the past year, ranging from Sleepovers, Bowling, Camps, water activities & a Beaveree.
In August, our Scouts attended the County camp, Suffolk Punch, with the Beavers & Cubs joining in the activities for a day. It gave a chance for the young members to see how big Scouting is.
We have also joined in with our community in Ixworth. During half term, the cubs cleaned the War Memorial ready for Remembrance Sunday & the beavers cleaned inside the Church. We joined the villagers in the Parade to our Village Church, where we took up half of the Parade. The beavers & cubs made scarecrows for the Village trail. Raksha had a campsite on her front lawn!!!!!
In December, we held our first Group Christingle Service in the Church. Parents & families were invited. Karen, our Vicar, dressed up as a Christingle & had everyone on tender hooks, as she kept getting close to the candles.
We look forward to another exciting year ahead.