1st Lakenheath
Group Scout Leader: Wendy Barnes
Squirrels: Tuesday
Beavers: Monday
Cubs: Monday
Scouts: Thursday
In February, our Squirrel Drey we celebrated its first birthday with a party. Our first year has been a great success. Squirrels have had so much fun meeting new friends, earning badges and learning new skills. This year we have started to learn the technique of Angel throwing, visited the RSPB, learned some first aid and all about Diwalil. In June, we are taking part in the ‘Big Day Out’ at Suffolk Owl Sanctuary. We have awarded our first Chief Scouts Acorn Awards to the Squirrels moving up to Beavers.
This year Beavers have made Christmas cakes, took part in remembrance parade, completed hikes, nights away and first aid staged badges. We have enjoyed lots of District events and was proud that one of our Beavers won the highest score award at Bowling. We learned about Baden Powell and Fair Trade and are looking forward to District Camp.
12 Chief Scout awards have been handed out this year.
This year cubs have taken part in the Remembrance parade, Kings Coronation event and district events. They have learned new skills such as pioneering, canoeing and air rifle and have been on overnight camps. They are looking forward to a visit to the local fire station and the RSPB.
We were pleased that our Scouts won the District Air Rifle & Archery competition this year- all our practise paid off. Scouts have had a great time making box ovens, bug boxes and penny can stoves. We attended Suffolk Punch and District camps. Now summer is here, we are looking forward to spending time on water in canoes and on SUP.