1st Red Lodge

Group Scout Leader: Margaret Chilestone

Squirrels: Thursday
Beavers: Monday
Cubs: Monday
Scouts: Tuesday

The Group continues to be very active taking part in group activities, district activities as well as events in the community.

In December, Beavers and Cubs held a joint Christmas sleepover, a great success. There have been several events when the group has been altogether for activities, Litter picking in the village, the village Remembrance Service and Parade, the Group camp fire and more recently the Coronation fun games with 3 other local groups. It is very rewarding to see the sections working together and even more so seeing the Squirrels joining in with Beavers, Cubs and Scouts for some events.

We are currently no further forward with our quest to secure a piece of land within the village for Scouting, where we can safely meet and do traditional outdoor activities, such as fire lighting, cooking on fires, saw and axe skills etc. Currently we can only do this if we travel to a Scout site elsewhere. The local landowner has shown us a piece of land on the edge of the boundary of the village development plan, he thinks may be suitable for our use. But things move very slowly with regards to planning permission within the proposed village development plan. The Group Trustee Board continue to lobby for success.

My thanks to everyone involved in the Group, Leaders whatever their role, Young Leaders, Group Trustees and Parents for all their support and help throughout the year. And most importantly of all, our Squirrels, Cubs and Scouts whose enjoyment and development make everything so worthwhile.

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls