6th Bury St Edmunds

Deputy Group Scout Leader: Giles Lillistone

Website: https://6thbsescouts.org.uk

Squirrels: Not Yet
Beavers: Tuesday
Cubs: Wednesday
Scouts: Monday

In the last year the 6th Bury St Edmunds Scout Group has met the challenges of delivering a full program to all sections, which the leaders and the group executive have worked hard to support.

In the last term we have been able to restart our Beaver section. Our strong recruitment campaign has resulted in us recruiting both Adult and young leaders for the section. The section is now growing rapidly and will soon be at capacity.

Our Cub Pack is currently full, and we now have small waiting list, this is a strong testament to the leaders who are delivering a varied and popular program. We have had some leader changes, but the section has remained stable.

The Scout section is growing rapidly and will continue to grow with the number of Cubs due to come up to the section. This will keep the troop running at or near capacity and for the first time we are having to consider a waiting list.

With all the strong growth in sections our biggest challenge is numbers of young people with all section heading to capacity we may have to start looking at running second sections to spread the numbers. To do this we would face the challenge of recruiting enough leaders to run all these new nights. Couple this with looking at starting a Squirrels section and we could be in for a very busy year.

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls